Complaints Policy


All of the content on Monstergirl Fan is fictional illustrated content produced by Interweb Comics, LLC. We have never — and will never — produce, display or host any photos, videos or depictions of real persons.  Furthermore, we do not host any type of user generated content. Users cannot upload anything on our website. 
We have strict policies in place by our editorial staff that ensure that no scripts containing illegal topics or content make it to the production phase.
If you think any of our content may be illegal or otherwise violates these standards, please file a report by emailing [email protected]. Please include links to the content in question.


All such reported complaints will be reviewed by a staff member and resolved within seven business days. If the reported content is found to be in violation of the law or company standards, the offending content will be removed within 48 hours of the decision. If the staff member concludes that the content is legal and within our company standards, the reporting party will be notified of such conclusion, at which point an appeal may be filed by the reporting party. Once an appeal has been filed, a second investigation will be conducted by a senior staff member within seven business days. Once concluded, the secondary investigation's final results will be shared with the reporting party. If the reported content is found to be in violation of the law or company standards, the offending content will be removed within 48 hours of the decision.