The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide

The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide
The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide

In the land of Notheria, humans live alongside elves, dwarves, and various other races. Notheria is a land of magic and adventure, and while many people are accustomed to orc raids and dragon attacks, nobody will ever get used to Bregwyn Firehide. So sit down, pour yourself a drink, and listen intently as Bregwyn introduces herself and recounts the tale of how she became the tallest and most muscular person in all of Notheria.

Tags: monster girl, mini-giantess, female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, fantasy, clothes ripping, feats of strength, magic

Released July 15, 2019
10 pages + cover
Story by Hank Birche
Artwork by Bokuman
This issue is part of the The Adventures of Bregwyn Firehide series.

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